Plugins for AmiNetRadio (MorphOS)

French version

Here is a couple of plugins for AmiNetRadio almost solely made thanks to the extremely patient Ilkka "iti" Lehtoranta, Sigbjørn "CISC" Skjaeret, Nicolas "Henes" Sallin, Fabien "Fab1" Coeurjoly, Matthieu "Jah" Leroyer.


This player, as the others, must be copied to the players/ subdirectory of one's ANR installation. It makes use of the Blargg's Game Music Emulation library, by Shay Green. The following music formats are supported : Files may be gzipped. Also, .nsf and .gbs files may contain subsongs. You may select the subsong with the time slider.
Thanks to Shay for his great library, patience, his quick bugs fixes and above all, his sympathy.

Here is a screenshot of the preferences, as of May 26, 2005 :

Recommended tunes : Thunder Force IV for Megadrive, Final Fantasy 6 for Super Nintendo.


This plugins makes use of Arnaud Carré's library (, which is capable of playing .ym files (Atari ST).

Recommended tunes : all of Jochen "Mad Max" Hippel's work.


This plugin, which is based on Benjamin Gérard's sc68 library, plays .sc68 files (Amiga or Atari ST, around 90 different play routines, with several subsons per file), and .sndh files (Atari ST). You may select the subsong with the time slider. You have to copy the sc68 directory to AmiNetRadio/players too !


Thanks ever so much to itix jah, fab & henes for their constant help !

NB : dot not hesitate to get in touch with me to report any issue : mahen AT free DOT fr !

For the time being, it's advised to disabled trance due to a bug in my plugins that may trigger a crash of ANR (and just ANR :). To do so : c:trance, CTRL-C, or echo 1 >ENVARC:NOTRANCE.